Contract Creation

How to create a new Folder and Contract in Tide

Creating the first Contract within a Contract Folder

Navigate to the Contracts screen, and select + ADD CONTRACT from above the Contracts grid.

At the top of the Create Contract screen select the + ADD FOLDER.

Then complete the Add Folder screen:

  • Select the Folder Type (i.e. Binder or Lineslip)
  • Your Company and Division are automatically selected, but if you are a member of more than one Division, then you can select a different one as appropriate. 

You will be able to select from a full list of Coverholders, Brokers, Insurers and DCAs, regardless of the market they are associated with, when creating a Folder, Contract and/or Section. The Regulator Role of a Company/Division will determine which market they operate in. Divisions are grouped based on their Regulator and the market in which they operate; Lloyd’s Regulated divisions are presented first, followed by Non-Lloyd’s divisions.

Then select SAVE and you will be taken back to the Create Contract screen with the newly created Folder selected. Complete this screen and select Save to create the first Contract of the new Folder.

Creating a Contract within an existing Contract Folder

Navigate to the Contract Main Details tab of ‍the latest existing Contract within the Contract Folder. Select the three ellipses and select Create Blank Contract in Contract Folder. 

The Create Contract screen will open with the existing Contract Folder selected. Complete this screen and select Save to create this new Contract.

When Creating a Contract within a Contract Folder, Tide will allow a one day overlap between the expiry of an existing Contract and the inception date of a new Contract. No other period gaps in cover between Contracts in a Contract Folder will be permitted. For example if you are creating a new Contract after an existing Contract that expires on 31/01/2019, then the new Contract must incept on either 31/01/2019 or 01/02/2019 only. This one day overlap period is to allow for Both Dates Inclusive Contracts. 

The below video tutorial shows you how to complete the Contract Creation process. Please note Activity Roles are now located within Reporting Channels tab, Claims Authority and General Rules are within the Section tab.

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