Company Admin - Division Name

Understand how to edit the names of your Company's Divisions

To learn more about how Divisions fit within a Company structure in Tide, visit the Companies Overview article.

Divisions in your Company have both a Division Name and a Division Reference. 

In the DDM instance of Tide, the Division Reference is a Syndicate number for Insurer Divisions, Broker Number and Pseudonym for Broker Divisions, Coverholder PIN for Coverholder Divisions, and TPA Address for TPA Divisions.

By default, the Division Name is the Company Name of your Company.

When your Company's Divisions appear in Contracts in Tide, they appear in the following format:

[Division Name] - [Division Reference]

As a Company Admin‍ User of your Company you are able to edit the Division Name of the Divisions of your Company. If you believe any other aspect of your Company's Divisions need editing, then you need to contact the CT Service Desk.

This might be appropriate for a number of reasons. For example, whilst a Division might be part of a wider Company within Tide for operational reasons, it is actually known as another Company Name (maybe a Company Name has been retained after a takeover), and so that name is more appropriate for presentation in Tide.

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