Reporting Sequence Rules

Understand the rules for the reporting of Bordereaux in sequence

Bordereaux are sent from Coverholders and TPAs to Brokers and Insurers on a set periodic basis, e.g. monthly or quarterly. These Bordereaux will also include records that are updates to previously received records, and so must be processed in Tide in the correct chronological sequence order (e.g. January, then February, then March, for monthly, and January-March, then April - June, then July - September for quarterly, and so on).

Tide enforces this sequence for each Contract of a Reporting Channel (e.g. 2017 and 2018 Years of Account of a Reporting Channel will be evaluated separately). 

Tide will raise an error if any of the below circumstances occur.

Submission for a period previous to the latest Approved ‍period

For example, for monthly Bordereaux, the latest period approved is March, and submission is for January. Tide will raise this as an error, and you can either delete the Bordereau, or leave it in an Uploaded status while you Un-approve the Bordereau.

For example for quarterly Bordereaux, the latest period approved is July - September, and submission is for January - March. Tide will raise this as an error, and you can either delete the Bordereau, or leave it in an Uploaded status while you Un-approve the Bordereau.

Submission for the same period as the latest Approvedperiod

For example, the latest period approved is March, and the submission is for March. Tide will raise this as an error and give you the option of either:

  • Selecting a different period
  • Submitting as an additional Bordereau for the period
  • Submitting as a correction Bordereau for the period

If you do submit as a correction Bordereau for the period, then Tide will replace all records in the previous Bordereau with the records in the latest Bordereau.

Submission that is not for the next period subsequent to the latest Approvedperiod

For example, the latest period approved is March, and the submission is for June. Tide will raise this as an error and give you the option of either deleting the Bordereau, leaving it in an Uploaded status while you process the missing periods, or selecting that the missing periods should be recorded as Nil Bordereau Submissions‍.

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