Let Tide select the Questionnaire

Understand how you can let Tide select an appropriate Questionnaire

When submitting a Submission‍ for a Bordereau that you have never processed before, you will need to assign a Bordereau Questionnaire to complete the translation of the Bordereau to Tide data-set fields.

You can select an existing Questionnaire, select to answer a new one, or let Tide select one. You make this selection in the Submit Bordereau screen. Tide will then lead you through the process of selecting an appropriate Bordereau Questionnaire. 

Tide will consider Questionnaires that your company has created and owns, but will also anonymously 'crowd-source' Questionnaires that have been created by Users in other companies. If one of these are selected, then a copy will be created for you to use.

Select sheets

Tide will first identify the sheets in the Bordereau and ask you which sheets should be included when identifying matching Questionnaires.

Confirm columns

Tide will then automatically identify the header and present the list of columns identified. If this is not correct, then you can change the header row and select Re-Process; Tide will then identify the header columns based on your selection. 

Select Questionnaire

Tide will then identify the matching Questionnaires and present them in descending percentage match order. Those that are sourced from another company will have the name CROWDSOURCED. Select the Questionnaire you wish to use and select Continue.

Tide will then ask you to provide a name for the Questionnaire, as well as selecting which of the Divisions you are part of is to be the owner of the Questionnaire. You can then select to process the Bordereau using the selected Questionnaire. You may then decide to view the Questionnaire from the Bordereau Summary screen and amend it as appropriate.

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