Accessing the Data Extract Service

How does your Company access the Data Extract service?


Before your Company can access the service, it first needs to be on-boarded. This consists of collecting technical details of how you plan to access it (tools and timing) and the IP address(es) that the requests will originate from. Specifically the following is required:

  • Tide Instance Name
    There are many instances of Tide, we need to know the name of the instance that you would like your company to have access to (e.g. Production, Training e.t.c.).

  • Company Name
    The name of the Company that you are making the request on behalf of.

  • Secure Data Exchange Authorised Recipient
    We are only able to provide the login credentials via the LMG Secure Data Exchange service. The e-mail address of the recipient user, who is set up on the Secure Data Exchange, is required so that we can send the username and password of the service account securely.

  • Source IP Address(es)
    We need to white-list the public IP address(es) for any server that your company will be accessing the data extract service from. For security reasons no other server will be able to connect. If your company has an SQL Cluster or Disaster Recovery site you many need to register at least two IP addresses. IP addresses MUST be provided in the following format: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX


The service does not prescribe a tool which must be used to connect, this is a decision for your Company, but the tool must support an Azure SQL ODBC or OLEDB connection. Stored Procedures are used to deliver the service, but it is not possible to query these on an ad-hoc basis. 

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