Bordereaux Approval

Understand the process for Bordereau approval in Tide

Once a Bordereau has completed the Transformation and Assignment‍ phase, it moves to a For Approval status. The Approver Role‍  ‍Company - Division assigned to the Reporting Channel has the permissions to complete this activity.

To start, click on the For Approval status, to open the Bordereau Summary screen.

The user can then review the Bordereau, before deciding whether to approve or reject the Bordereau. To do this they can review the statistics in the Bordereau Summary screen and review the underlying data records in the relevant Contract Data screen.

To reject the Bordereau, you should first enter Notes against the Bordereau to explain why you are rejecting the Bordereau, and then select to Reject the Bordereau. It will then pass back to the Transformation phase, and will be available for review by the Transformation Role Company.‍ 

To approve the Bordereau, select Approve Bordereau. This then changes the status of the Bordereau to Approved. The Bordereau is then available for review and use by all other participants on the Contract, this includes:

  • Reviewing the Bordereau Summary screen
  • Viewing the underlying data in the relevant Contract Data screen
  • Using the data within reporting

The below video tutorial shows you how to complete the Approval process.

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