Data Validation - Reference Data Type

Understand how to resolve Reference Data Errors in Tide

When a Risk, Premium, and Claim Data-set field is created with a Data Type of Reference, then it is associated with a Reference Data-set. This defines the available values that incoming data must adhere to.

For example, for the Risk Reference Data-set field Transaction Type, the available values are New, Renewal, Endorsement, Cancellation, and Reinstatement. If an incoming value does not match one of these values, then an error is raised in the Reference Data Error screen.

Reference Data Error screen navigation

Reference Data Errors are raised for each Tide Field for which there are un-matched values.

Within the screen is a grid that sets out the errors. You may sort, filter, select number of items displayed and navigate between error pages. The original value column contains the values from the Bordereau that have caused the error. Next to this is the Tide Value column, which provides a drop-down of the available Tide Values which you must cleanse to.

If any other Users have also mapped this original value to a Tide Value, then a Tide Value will be pre-selected, based on frequency. If it has been mapped to more than one Tide value, then all the values are presented in descending frequency order. The frequency of the mapping across all Users is presented next to each Tide value.

To the right of the Tide Values is a Record Count, which tells you how many records in the Bordereau have the same original value.

Automatic remembered mapping

When you complete a Reference Data Mapping in the Reference Data Errors screen, Tide records this mapping for your company in the relevant Reference Data-set table. If this original value is contained in future Bordereaux, then, if your Company is completing Transformation, it will be automatically mapped to the previously selected Tide value. So, if 'NB' has been previously mapped to 'New Business' for the Transaction Type field, then if 'NB' is present in another Bordereau processed by your Company, then it will be automatically mapped to 'New Business', and no error will be raised.

Visit the Managing your Companies Reference Data Mappings‍ article to understand how previously created Reference Data Mappings can be managed, including being deactivated if required.

Visit the Contract Data Screens - Audit Trail article to understand how to view an audit trail of reference data mappings, including where this has been automated based on previously completed mappings.

Disable Automatic Remembered Mapping 

There may be some grouped values during the Bordereaux transformation process that you do not wish to have remembered and mapped automatically. If you wish for these grouped corrections to not be remembered for future Bordereaux processing, you may select the ‘ Don’t Remember This Mapping ‘ toggle located above the corrections.

Single reference data mapping

You may encounter single entry values from Bordereaux that should not be remembered for future automatic reference data mapping. This may be because the submitted value only equals the cleansed translated value in the context of the Bordereau and the Coverholder that has produced it (e.g. it could be a numeric code that equals a country value).

In this scenario you can select the Translate Individual Records toggle in the Reference Data Error screen. This changes the screen, so you are not translating the grouped unique values of the field, but each value associated with each individual record. For example, for a Policy Type 'ADJ', ADJ’ equalled ‘Renewal’ in the field, and there were 2 records containing this value, then these would be presented as 2 individual records (risk, premium, or claims) for translation, rather than 1 entry representing 2 records. Similarly if the original value ' POL' and 'POL' equalled Endorsement, this will then represent 446 individual records to correct.

It is important to note that if you choose to select the ' Translate Individual Records' toggle, this will in turn disable the ' Don't Remember This Mapping ' toggle. 

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