Learning to use Tide

Understand how to use the Knowledge-Base to learn to use Tide

‍The Knowledge-Base is your key resource when learning to use Tide. The Knowledge-Base contains articles which are grouped into topics that cover key processes and areas within Tide. This enables you to focus your reading on an area that you need to understand. You can access these on the left hand pane in the Knowledge-Base. To further learn how to use the Knowledge-Base, visit the Using the Tide Knowledge-Base article.‍ 

For most topics there is an initial overview article which provides an introduction, and may provide links to further articles that cover the process in greater depth. In many of these overview articles there are short tutorial videos of the relevant process - you can also view these in the Video Tutorials‍ article. 

In the table below the key topics are listed along with a description. Select the name of the topic to take you directly to the overview article of the topic. From this first overview article you can then visit the topic page, by selecting it on the left hand pane of the Knowledge-Base and then reading each of the articles.

Topic Description
The creation of a Contract record.
Data Processing Overview
An overview of the whole data process, from Submission to Approval.
The submission of an original Bordereau file.
Transformation - Questionnaire
Translate the Bordereau format to standard Tide data fields by completing a Bordereau Questionnaire.
Transformation - Validation & Enrichment
Resolve data quality issues raised by Tide based on standard data quality checks.
Define rules by which records are assigned to Section and Risk Codes.
The final approval of the Bordereau, which then makes the data available to other Contract participants.
Access and Permissions
The control of access rights and permissions in Tide.
How to access and use the Reports in Tide.

The below video tutorial demonstrates general navigation of Tide.


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