Nil Bordereaux Submissions

Understand how Bordereaux can be recorded as Nil Bordereaux

Some submissions may not be necessary as there are no records to report; these are called Nil Bordereaux. 

Nil Bordereaux can be recorded directly within the Expected tab in the Bordereaux screen. To do this, select a Scheduled or Overdue Bordereau and Tide will ask if you wish to record as a Nil Bordereau. If yes is selected then the Bordereau is recorded as a Nil Bordereau, and is no longer visible in the Expected tab, and will then be visible in the Approved tab.

Tide may also identify a missing Bordereau period during Transformation. If this error is raised, you will be given the option to record the period(s) as Nil Bordereau in the error screen. Nil Bordereaux records are then generated as appropriate.

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