Contract Data Screens - Audit Trail

Understand how to use the audit trail modal window to view how a

Whenever Tide makes a change to an original value it keeps an audit trail of the change. To view this audit trail, visit a Contract Data Screen and click on a value that has been shaded green (which indicates that a change has been made to an original value). This opens the audit trail modal window.

The Tide Field name is displayed at the top, and below that is a table of the change(s) that have occurred. If more than one change has occurred then they are presented in descending order, with the most recent change at the top.

The table below sets out the different columns that are displayed in the table of Changes.

Field Description
Date Changed
The date and time that the original value was changed.
Cell The cell position of the original value in the original Bordereau.
Original Value The original value that has been changed.
Changed Value The new value following the change.
Rule Type Whether the change was the result of a Validation Rule, which is a Data Validation rule, or whether it was the result of a Change Rule, which is an automatic Data Enrichment.‍ 
Rule Name The name of the Validation Rule or Change Rule that resulted in the change.

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