View Used Bordereau Questionnaire Summary

Understand how you can view a Questionnaire from the Bordereaux screen

In Tide, you can only view the full Bordereau Questionnaire if you are a Standard or Company Admin user of the Company - Division who is the Questionnaire Owner‍ of the Questionnaire. However, from the Bordereaux screen, you can access a summary view of the Questionnaire. This can be found against any Bordereau record (except for those in the Expected tab) in the Bordereau Questionnaire column. Here you can see the name of the Bordereau Questionnaire used to process the Bordereau alongside the version used. By clicking on the name, you will open the View Bordereau Questionnaire modal.

At the top of the modal are summary details, including the name and version of the Questionnaire and the Questionnaire Division Owner‍.

The Questionnaire tab has a grid which sets out how the Bordereau columns have been assigned to Tide fields and any default values that have been applied. There is also an Export button so you can export the grid to Excel.

The Notes tab contains all the notes that the Company - Division owner of the Questionnaire has added, including against which version these were added.

Select Copy of Questionnaire

If the Transformation ‍Company assigned to a Reporting Channel changes after the processing of a Bordereau, then the new Transformation ‍Company will have the option to take a copy of the Questionnaire used by the previous Transformation ‍Company.

The new Transformation ‍Company will see a Copy Questionnaire button in the top right of the Bordereau Questionnaire Summary screen (per above). If this is selected, then a copy of this Questionnaire will be created with '- copy' appended to the existing name. 

You can then view and edit this Questionnaire in the Bordereau Questionnaires Screen. It is also now available for use when submitting Bordereaux in the Contract where you have been assigned as the Transformation ‍Company.

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