Claims Updates

Understand how Tide processes updates to previously reported Claims

Tide automatically creates appropriate Claim entries to represent the progression of claims over time. Every time a Claim is reported in a Claims Bordereau, it is considered in terms of initial reporting and as a subsequent update; therefore, Claims can be presented in every Bordereau, even if there is no change.

Tide uses Entry Statuses to make clear how an entry fits within the historical progression of an individual Claim. Visit the Contract Data - Claim article for more information on how the progression of Claims is presented in the Claims data screen. 

First Reporting of a Claim

The first time a Claim is reported it is recorded in Tide as the single Current Entry.

Subsequent Reporting of a Claim

When a Claim is subsequently reported, then Tide creates an Update Entry, which represents the change and movement of the Claim. For example, it would contain any new date or text values. Financial values in the Update Entry will depend on how financial movements are being reported, visit the Financial Reporting Types - Claims‍ article for more details.

A new Current Entry is also created, which is the new position of the Claim reflecting the Update Entry and the previous Current Entry.

The previous Current Entry is changed to be a Historic Entry.

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