Data Validation - Date Data Type

Understand the validation that Tide completes on Date Data Type fields.

One of the core Data Validation checks in Tide is ensuring that all values are of the correct Data Types. For example, that a Date is a Date, and a Financial value is a Financial value. 

Dates in Date format

As part of validating Date fields, Tide will first check whether the Date field has been presented in a Date format in the Excel Bordereau; if it has, then Tide will read the underlying date in Excel, even if presented in a variety of different formats from a display perspective in Excel.

Dates in other formats

If Date fields are presented in a Text or General format in Excel, then Tide will try to identify the order of the month and day values within the date. If this is possible (e.g. 25/02/2018 can only be day-month-year), then all dates are converted to this order. Tide will also automatically convert the majority of date presentations (e.g. 01/01/2018, 01.01.2018, 01-01-2018, or 1/1/18).

If Tide cannot identify the order of the month and day values, then an error will be raised asking you to define the order for this Bordereau format and Questionnaire. 

If Tide cannot validate the date presentation, or the date is not valid (e.g. 45/02/2018), then an error will be raised. In this error screen, for each invalid date, there is a table containing the cell location of the Original Value, the Original Value, and the Corrected Value. You can then enter the correct date in the Correct Value field, and the field will turn green once a valid entry has been made. You can then select to Continue and the corrections will be saved.

All dates are then presented in Tide in UK date format.

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