Contract Access Permissions

Understand how access to Contracts in Tide is governed

The primary entity in Tide is delegated authority Contracts. It is against these Contracts that data is submitted, processed, and then available for use.

Users can access a Contract on a read-only basis if they are a member of their Companies Division that is associated with the Contract. The following associations may be in place:

  • The Broker of the Contract
  • One of the Coverholders of the Contract
  • One of the Insurers of the Contract (assigned at Section level)
  • The Company assigned with Claims Authority (e.g. a Third Party Administrator Company)

If one of these associations are in place for a Company - Division you are a user of, then you will gain the below permissions for the relevant Contract. The Contract will then also be visible to you in the Contracts screen. 

If your Company - Division is also assigned to a Contract Activity Roles‍, then you will additionally have those permissions.

Read-Only Access

If one of the above associations are in place for a Company - Division you are a user of, then you will gain read-only access to the Contract.

Submit Bordereaux

If one of the above associations are in place for a Company - Division you are a user of, then you will be able to submit Bordereaux to the Contract. If you are only the Company with Claims Authority then you can only submit Claims Bordereaux. 

You will not be able to select the appropriate Bordereaux Questionnaire (this is completed by the Transformation Role‍) during submission. But if a default Questionnaire has already been selected, then the Transformation will be automatically initiated.

Access Data

If one of these associations are in place for a Company - Division you are a user of, then you will gain read-only access to the submitted delegated authority data, across Risk, Premiums, and Claims, once the Bordereau it is associated with has reached a status of Approved. Prior to the Bordereaux reaching a status of Approved you are able to see the status of the Bordereau, but not the associated data records or the specific errors that are currently unresolved.

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